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Public Relations :: Quotes
  • New Membership —

  • "When customers are looking to implement a Microsoft technology solution for their business their best bet is to turn to an expert - a Microsoft Certified Partner," said Rosa Garcia, General Manager Partner Programs Group, Microsoft Corp. "Microsoft provides its Microsoft Certified Partners with in-depth access to existing and emerging Microsoft technologies and related training and resources to ensure that they have the technical intimacy needed to deliver quality solutions. Today, Microsoft recognizes [Your Company] for demonstrating this level of expertise and welcomes them as a new Microsoft Certified Partner."

  • New Microsoft Gold Certified Partner —

  • "Customers need a clear path to find a technology provider who has proven experience in delivering the type of solution that's right for them," said Rosa Garcia, General Manager Partner Programs Group, Microsoft Corp. "The Microsoft Gold Certified Partner designation provides customers the assurance of [Your Company]'s demonstrated additional expertise and customer satisfaction in their area of specialty."

  • Exceptional Certification Numbers —

  • "Given the level of competition in the market today, customers must evaluate new technology Microsoft Certified Partners very critically," said Rosa Garcia, General Manager Partner Programs Group, Microsoft Corp. "They need to be assured that a technology provider has the experience and the manpower to get them to market quickly and without the headaches that can sometimes accompany a major technology deployment. With over 100 Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers (MCSEs) on staff, [Your Company] has clearly demonstrated that it has not only the capacity, but also the commitment to developing the intimate knowledge of Microsoft technology solutions necessary to drive the functionality and reliability essential to today's Enterprise-level customer."

  • Exceptional Experience(e.g., e-commerce) —

  • "The Internet provides the businesses of today with an unprecedented opportunity to tap new markets and streamline business to business processes, but at the same time, building a Web solution takes a very serious investment of time, money and information" said Rosa Garcia, General Manager Partner Programs Group, Microsoft Corp. "Companies don't want to choose a technology Microsoft Certified Partner that needs to learn on the job - they need a Microsoft Certified Partner with proven experience. Microsoft is today recognizing [Your Company] for documenting customer satisfaction with over 20 sophisticated e-commerce deployments. This distinction makes it clear that [Your Company] has the skills and experience to provide quality Microsoft e-commerce solutions."

  • Exceptional Service Level —

  • "Hosting technologies have opened up a whole new range of options for customers in terms of accessing and maintaining technology solutions for their businesses," said Rosa Garcia, General Manager Partner Programs Group, Microsoft Corp. "Critical to having an application out of house is a great degree of trust by customers who must be able to depend on their Application Service Provider (ASP) to deliver a high degree of up time for their DataCenter or other hosted solutions. By meeting Microsoft's bar of 99.9-plus percent availability, [Your Company] has clearly demonstrated that it has the technology and the expertise to provide its customers with the highest quality of hosted services."
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